野戦教範(Field Manual)は、戦法と必要な装備の基本を示したものです。複数年度の版を見比べると、米国にとって第二次世界大戦への関与が本格化した1941年以降に戦法と装備がめまぐるしく変化(進化)したことがうかがえます
1945年版の『FM 21-6:List of Publications for Training』によると、野戦教範は、職種・役務別に33分類・合計314冊が発行されていました。この記事の最後に全タイトルをリストで掲載しています。
トップの写真は工兵向けに編纂された爆薬破壊教範『FM 5-25』です。左から1942年、1944年、1945年、戦後の1954年発行版です。1945年を境にして版型が変更(大型化)されたことがわかります。
爆薬破壊教範『FM 5-25』では、1942年版と1944年版を見比べると、戦時中にTNTよりも強力な新型爆薬や新兵器が多数開発・採用されたことがうかがえます。また、1945年版と戦後の1954年版、さらに後世の版を見比べると、爆薬や装備品にあまり大きな変化がないこともわかります。第二次世界大戦中の爆薬破壊器材に関するイノベーションの大きさがうかがえます。

爆薬破壊教範『FM 5-25』1945年版の本冊(左)と追補版「C1」(右)です。追補版では、鉄条網を破壊するための新兵器であるバンガロール破壊筒の紹介などが掲載されています。

こちらは60ミリ迫撃砲教範『FM 23-85』1945年発行版の本冊(左)と1943年にフォートベニングの歩兵学校が発行した追補版(右)です。本冊の内容は以前の1942年発行版と全くかわりがありませんが、右の追補版には、60ミリ迫撃砲を一人で運用するための戦法が記されています。日本軍の擲弾筒戦法を参考にしたものと思われ、のちに二脚をつかわずに手動撃発装置を備えたT18(後にM19として採用)の開発につながった新戦法です。
追補版は、本冊とは別に発行されたため、教範の現物やPDFデータから抜け落ちている場合があります。参照する場合には、見落としがないように、予め追補版の存在をチェックしておくと良いでしょう。下記に掲載した野戦教範のリストには、追補版が存在する場合は末尾に [C1] といった記述を付していますので参考にしてください。
以下は『FM 21-6』1945年版に掲載されている野戦教範のタイトル一覧です。おおよそ1944年までに発行された本冊と追補版がリストアップされています。第二次世界大戦のリエナクトやコレクションの参考にしてください。
- FM 1-10 Tactics and Technique of Air Attack (1940)
- FM 1-15 Tactics and Technique of Air Fighting (1942)
- FM 1-20 Tactics and Technique of Air Reconnaissance and Observation (1942)
- FM 1-25 Air Defense (1943)
- FM 1-26 Defense of Airdromes (1944) [C1]
- FM 1-30 Air Navigation (1940)
- FM 1-35 Aerial Photography (1942)
- FM 1-40 Intelligence Procedure in Aviation Units (1940)
- FM 1-45 Signal Communication (1942)
- FM 1-46 Fighter Radiotelephone Procedures and Code (1943)
- FM 1-50 Weather (1942)
- FM 1-55 Reference Data, Administration (1942)
- FM 1-60 Reviews and Inspections (1941)
- FM 1-75 Combat Orders (1942)
- FM 1-195 Service Center (1942)
- FM 2-5 Cavalry Drill Regulations, Horse (1944)
- FM 2-6 Crew Drill, Light Armored Car M8 (1943)
- FM 2-7 Cavalry Drill Regulations, Mechanized (1944)
- FM 2-15 Empldyment of Cavalry (1941) [C1] [C2]
- FM 2-20 Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized (1944)
- FM 2-30 Cavalry Reconnaisance Squadron, Mechanized (1944)
- FM 3-5 Tactics of Chemical Warfare (1942) [C1] [C2]
- FM 3-10 Examination for Gunners (1940) [C1]
- FM 3-15 Supply and Field Service (1941) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 3-25 Chemical Laboratory Company (1944)
- FM 3-30 Chemical Processing Company (Theater of Operations) (1944)
- FM 3-50 Large Area Smoke Screening (1944) [C1]
- FM 3-65 Chemical Depot Company (1944)
- FM 3-70 Chemical Decontamination Company (1944)
- FM 4-5 Tactics (1944)
- FM 4-6 Seacoast Artillery Tactics and Technique of Controlled Submarine Mines (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 4-10 Gunnery (1944)
- FM 4-15 Seacoast Artillery Fire Control and Position Finding (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-19 Examination for Gunners (1944)
- FM 4-20 Firing Preparations, Safety Precautions, Care and Service of Materiel (1944) [C1]
- FM 4-24 Service of the Piece-155-mm Gun Ml (1943)
- FM 4-25 Coast Artillery, Service of the Piece 155-mm Gun (GPF) (1944)
- FM 4-30 Service of the Piece-Service of Gun Data Computer M1 (1943)
- FM 4-32 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Base End Data and Gun Data Transmission Systems (1944)
- FM 4-35 Service of the Piece 14-Inch Gun M1920 MII on Railway Mount M1920 (1944) [C1] [2]
- FM 4-40 Service of the Piece 12-Inch Mortar, Railway Artillery (1940) [C1] [2]
- FM 4-48 Service of the Piece 8-Inch Gun, Mk,VI, Modification 3A2 on Barbette Carriage M1 (1943)
- FM 4-49 Service of the Piece 8-Inch Gun, Mk,VI, Modification 3A2 on Railway Mount M1A1 (1942) [C1]
- FM 4-50 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 8-Inch Gun, Railway Artillery (1940) [C1]
- FM 4-51 Seacoast Artillery Operation and care of Railway Artillery Equipment (1943)
- FM 4-60 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 12-Inch Gun (Barbette Carriage) (1940)
- FM 4-61 Service of the Piece 12-inch Gun Casemated (1944)
- FM 4-70 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 6-Inch Gun (Disappearing Carriage) (1940) [C1]
- FM 4-74 Service of the Piece 6-Inch Gun M1903A2 or M1905A2 on BC M1 and M2 6-Inch Gun M1 on BC M3 and M4 (1940)
- FM 4-75 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 6-Inch Gun Barbette Carriage (1940) [C1]
- FM 4-80 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 12-Inch and 14-Inch Guns (Disappearing Carriage) (1940) [C1]
- FM 4-85 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 16-Inch Gun and Howitzer (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 4-86 Service of the Piece 16-Inch Gun, Casemated (1944)
- FM 4-90 Seacoast Artillery Service of the Piece 3-Inch Rapid-Fire Gun (Barbette Carriage) (1940)
- FM 4-91 Coast Artillery Service of the Piece 90-mm Gun M1 on 90-mm Mount M3 (1944)
- FM 4-95 Seacoast Artillery Service of Radio Set SCR-296-A (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-96 Seacoast Artillery Service of Radio Set SCR-582 (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-97 Service of the Radio Set SCR-682-A (1944)
- FM 4-100 Antiaircraft Artillery Organization and Tactics (1943)
- FM 4-109 Antiaircraft Artillery: Employment of Antiaircraft Guns (1943)
- FM 4-106 Antiaircraft Artillery Employment of Antiaircraft Searchlights and the AAAIS (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-110 Antiaircraft Artillery: Gunnery (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-119 Antiaircraft Artillery: Examination for Gunners (1943)
- FM 4-120 Formations and Instructions (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-121 Fire Control Guns (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-125 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece 3-Inch Antiaircraft Gun (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5]
- FM 4-126 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece 90-mm AA Gun M2, on M1A1 Mount (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-127 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece 90-mm AA Gun M2, on Mount M2 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-128 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece 4.7 Inch AA Gun (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-130 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece 105-mm Antiaircraft Gun (1940)
- FM 4-136 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of Directors M4 and M7 (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-142 Service of Height Finders M1 and M2 (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-143 Service of Height Finder SCR-547 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-144 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of Radio Set SCR-584 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-146 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of Radio Set SCR-545 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-151 Antiaircraft Artillery Fire Control, Automatic Weapon (1943)
- FM 4-155 Service of the Piece Caliber 50 AA Machine Gun (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-157 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece Multiple Machine Gun Mounts (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-160 Service of the Piece 40-mm Fire Unit (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-175 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Searchlight (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-176 Service of Radio Set SCR-268 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-181 Employment of Barrage Balloons (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 4-182 Barrage Balloon Technique (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-183 Antiaircraft Artillery Balloon Barrage Control (1943)
- FM 4-184 Antiaircraft Artillery Barrage Balloon Site Installations (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-187 Antiaircraft Artillery Barrage Balloon, Service of the Balloon and Balloon Equipment, Low Altitude (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-188 Service of the Balloon and Balloon Equipment, Very Low Altitude (1944)
- FM 4-191 Barrage Balloon, Service of Cable Armament, Low Altitude (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-192 Antiaircraft Artillery Barrage Balloon, Service of Cable Armament, Very Low Altitude (1943)
- FM 4-193 Antiaircraft Artillery Barrage Balloon, Gas Generation, Use, Purification, and Service of Hydrogen Generator (1943)
- FM 4-196 Barrage Balloon, Rigging and Fabric Repair (1943) [C1]
- FM 4-198 Barrage Balloon, Reference Data (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 5-5 Engineer Troops (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 5-6 Operations of Engineer Units (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 5-10 Construction and Routes of Communication (1944)
- FM 5-15 Field Fortifications (1944)
- FM 5-20 Camouflage, Basic Principles (1944)
- FM 5-20A Camouflage of Individuals and Infantry Weapons (1944)
- FM 5-20B Camouflage of Vehicles (1944)
- FM 5-20C Camouflage of Bivouacs, Command Posts, Supply Points, and Medical Installations (1944)
- FM 5-20D Camouflage of Field Artillery (1944)
- FM 5-20E Camouflage of Aircraft On The Ground and Airdromes (1944)
- FM 5-20F Camouflage of Antiaircraft Artillery (1944)
- FM 5-20H Camouflage Materials and Manufacturing Techniques (1944)
- FM 5-25 Explosives and Demolitions (1944) [C1]
- FM 5-30 Obstacle Technique (1943) [C1]
- FM 5-31 Land Mines and Booby Traps (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6] [C7] [C8] [C9] [C10] [C11]
- FM 5-35 Reference Data (1944)
- FM 6-5 Organization and Drill (1939)
- FM 6-20 Tactical Employment (1944)
- FM 6-40 Firing (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 6-50 Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M1897 and M1897-A4, Horse-drawn and Truck-drawn (1939) [C1] [C2]
- FM 6-55 Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M2, Horse-drawn and Truck-drawn (1939) [C1] [C2]
- FM 6-56 Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M2A3, Truck-drawn and Horse-drawn (1942) [C1]
- FM 6-60 Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M1916 and M1916-A1, Horse-drawn and Truck-drawn (1939) [C1] [C2]
- FM 6-65 Service of the Piece 75-mm Gun, M-1917A1, Truck-drawn (1939) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 6-70 Service of the Piece 75-mm Howitzer Horse and Truck-drawn (1939) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 6-74 Service of the Piece 105-mm Howitzer, Motor Carriage M-7 (1944) [C1]
- FM 6-75 Service of the Piece 105-mm Howitzer, M2, Truck-drawn (1941) [C1] [C2] [C3] [4] [5]
- FM 6-77 Service of the Piece 4.5-Inch Gun M1 (1944) [C1]
- FM 6-80 Service of the Piece 155-mm Howitzer, M1918A1, Truck-drawn (1939) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 6-81 Service of the Piece 155-mm Howitzer M1 (1943) [C1]
- FM 6-85 Service of the Piece 155-mm Gun, M1918 (1939) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 6-86 Service of the Piece 155-mm Gun, Self-propelled, M12 (1944)
- FM 6-90 Service of the Piece 155-min Gun, M1 (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [4]
- FM 6-91 8-Inch Howitzer, M1 (1942) [C1] [C2]
- FM 6-95 Service of the Piece 240-mm Howitzer, M1918 (1940) [C1] [C2]
- FM 6-100 Tactics and Technique of Division Artillery and Higher Artillery Echelons (1944)
- FM 6-101 Tactics and Technique, Battalion and Battery, Motorized (1944)
- FM 6-105 Armored Division, Artillery (1944)
- FM 6-110 Pack Artillery (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3] [4] [5]
- FM 6-120 The Observation Battalion (1939 [C1]
- FM 6-125 Examination of Gunners (1942) [C1]
- FM 6-135 Forward Observation (1944)
- FM 6-150 Organic Field Artillery Air Observation (1944)
- FM 7-10 Rifle Company, Infantry-Regiment (1944)
- FM 7-15 Heavy Weapons Company, Rifle Regiment (1942) [C1] [2] [3]
- FM 7-20 Infantry Battalion (1944)
- FM 7-24 Communication in the Infantry Division (1944)
- FM 7-25 Headquarters Company, Intelligence and Signal Communication, Rifle Regiment (1942) [C1]
- FM 7-30 Supply and Evacuation, The Infantry Regiment Service Company and Medical Detach-ment (1944)
- FM 7-35 Antitank Company, Infantry Regi-ment and Antitank Platoon, Infantry Battalion (1944) [C1]
- FM 7-37 Cannon Company, Infantry Regiment (1944)
- FM 7-40 Rifle Regiment (1942) [C1] [C2]
- FM 8-5 Mobile Units of the Medical Department (1942) [C1] [C2]
- FM 8-10 Medical Service of Field Units (1942)
- FM 8-25 Medical Service in Joint Oversea Operations (1940)
- FM 8-35 Transportation of the Sick and Wounded (1941) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 8-40 Field Sanitation (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6]
- FM 8-45 Records of Morbidity and Mortality (Sick and Wounded) (1940) [C1] [C2]
- FM 8-50 Bandaging and Splinting (1944) [C1]
- FM 8-55 Reference Data (1941)
- FM 9-5 Ordnance Service in the Field (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6]
- FM 9-6 Ammunition Supply (1944)
- FM 9-10 Ordnance Field Maintenance (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6]
- FM 9-20 Ordnance Ammunition Company, Ord-nance Ammunition Battalion (1942) [C1]
- FM 9-25 Ordnance Company, Depot (1942) [C1]
- FM 9-40 Unexploded Bombs, Organization and Operation for Disposal (1943) [C1]
- FM 10-5 Quartermaster Operations (1943)
- FM 10-10 Quartermaster Service in Theater of Operations (1942) [C1]
- FM 11-5 Mission, Functions and Signal Communication in General (1940) [C1]
- FM 11-15 Organizations and Operations in the Cavalry Division and Cavalry Corps (1940)
- FM 11-20 Organizations and Operations in the Corps, Army, Theater of Operations, and GHQ (1940) [C1]
- FM 11-25 Aircraft Warning Service (1942) [C1]
- FM 11-35 Signal Corps Intelligence (1942)
- FM 11-80 Signal Pigeon Company (1944)
- FM 12-105 The Army Postal Service (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 17-5 Armored Force Drill (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 17-12 Tank Gunnery (1944)
- FM 17-15 Combat Practice Firing, Armored Force Units (1942)
- FM 17-25 Assault Gun, Section and Platoon (1944)
- FM 17-27 81-mm Mortar Squadron and Platoon (1942)
- FM 17-30 Tank Platoon (1942) [C1]
- FM 17-32 Tank Company, Light and Medium (1942)
- FM 17-33 Armored Battalion, Light and Medium (1942)
- FM 17-36 Armored Employment of Tanks with Infantry Sup No1 (1944)
- FM 17-40 Armored Infantry Company (1944)
- FM 17-42 Armored Infantry Battalion (1944)
- FM 17-45 The Armored Engineer Battalion (1944)
- FM 17-50 Logistics (1942)
- FM 17-55 Trains and Trains Headquarters Company, Armored Division (1942)
- FM 17-58 Armored Maintenance Battalion, Tactical Employment (1942)
- FM 17-59 Decontamination of Armored Force Vehicles (1942) [C1]
- FM 17-67 Crew Drill and Service of the Piece, Medium Tank M4 (1944)
- FM 17-68 Crew Drill, Light Tank M5 Series (1944) [C1]
- FM 17-69 Crew Drill, Service of the Piece, and Gunnery (75-mm Assault Howitzer on Motor Carriage M8) (1943) [C1]
- FM 17-70 Signal Communications for Armored Units (1944)
- FM 17-71 Crew Drill for Half-Track Vehicles (1943) [C1]
- FM 17-74 Crew Drill and Service of the Piece Heavy Tank T2GE1 (1944)
- FM 17-75 Crew Drill, Light Tank M24 (1944)
- FM 17-76 Crew Drill and Service of the Piece, Medium Tank, M4 Series (105-mm Howitzer) (1944)
- FM 17-80 Armored Medical Units (1944)
- FM 17-100 The Armored Division (1944)
- FM 18-5 Tactical Employment, Tank, Destroyer Unit (1944)
- FM 18-15 Tank Destroyer Drill and Crew Drill, 3-Inch Gun Motor Carriage M10, 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage T70, 3-Inch Towed Gun (Gun M5 and Carriage M1) (1943)
- FM 18-16 Crew Drill, 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18 (1944)
- FM 18-17 Tank Destroyer Crew Drill, 3-inch Towed Gun M5 on Carriage M6 (1944)
- FM 18-18 Crew Drill, Gun Motor Carriage, M36 (1944)
- FM 18-20 Tactical Employment of Tank Destroyer Platoon Self-propelled (1944)
- FM 18-21 Towed Gun Platoon (1944)
- FM 18-22 Tank Destroyer Reconnaissance Platoon (1944)
- FM 18-24 Tank Destroyer Pioneer Platoon (1944)
- FM 19-5 Military Police (1944)
- FM 19-10 Military Police in Towns and Cities (1945)
- FM 21-5 Military Training (1941)
- FM 21-6 List of Publications for Training (1945)
- FM 21-7 List of Training Films, Film Strips, and Film Bulletins (1944) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6] [C7]
- FM 21-8 Military Training Aids (1944) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 21-10 Military Sanitation and First Aid (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6] [C7]
- FM 21-11 First Aid for Soldiers (1943)
- FM 21-15 Equipment, Clothing and Tent Pitching (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6]
- FM 21-20 Physical Training (1941)
- FM 21-22 Watermanship (1944)
- FM 21-25 Elementary Map and Aerial Photograph Reading (1944)
- FM 21-26 Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading (1941) [C1]
- FM 21-30 Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations (1943) [C1]
- FM 21-35 Sketching (1939) [C1] [C2]
- FM 21-40 Defense Against Chemical Attack (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 21-50 Military Courtesy and Discipline (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 21-75 Scouting, Patrolling, and Sniping (1944) [C1] [C2]
- FM 21-80 Recognition Training (1944)
- FM 21-105 Engineer Soldier’s Handbook (1943)
- FM 21-150 Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier (1942)
- FM 22-5 Infantry Drill Regulations (1941) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 23-5 US Rifle, Caliber 30, M1 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 23-6 US Rifle, Caliber 30, M1917 (1943)
- FM 23-7 US Carbine, Caliber 30 M1 and M1A1 (1944) [C1]
- FM 23-10 US Rifle, Caliber 30 M1903 (1943)
- FM 23-15 Browning Automatic Rifle, Caliber 30, M1918A2 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 23-25 Bayonet (1943)
- FM 23-30 Hand and Rifle Grenades, Rocket, AT, HE, 2.36-Inch (1944) [C1]
- FM 23-35 Automatic Pistol, Caliber 45, M1911, and M1911A1 (1940) [C1] [C2]
- FM 23-36 Revolver, Colt, Caliber 45, M1917, and Revolver, Smith and Wesson, Caliber 45, M1917 (1941) [C1] [C2]
- FM 23-40 Thompson Submachine Gun, Caliber 45, M1928A1 (1941) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 23-41 Submachine Gun, Caliber 45, M3 (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 23-45 Browning Machine Gun, Caliber 30, HB, M1919A4 Ground (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 23-50 Browning Machine Gun, Caliber 30, HB, M1919A4 (Mounted in Combat Vehicles) (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 23-55 Browning Machine Gun, Caliber 30, M1917 (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 23-60 Browning Machine Gun, Caliber 50, HB, M2, Ground (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 23-65 Browning Machine Gun, Caliber 50, HB, M2 (1944)
- FM 23-70 37-mm Gun, Anti-tank, M3 (1942) [C1] [C2] [CS]
- FM 23-75 57-mm Gun M1 (1944)
- FM 23-85 60-mm Mortar M2 (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 23-90 BFM, 81-mm Mortar M1 (1943)
- FM 23-91 81-mm Mortar Mounted in Half-Track Carrier (1944)
- FM 23-105 105-mm, Howitzer, M3 (1944) [C1] [C2]
- FM 24-5 Signal Communication (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [C6] [C7]
- FM 24-6 Radio Operators Nanual, Army Ground Forces (1943) [C1]
- FM 24-8 Combined Teletypewriter (Teleprinter) Procedure (1943) [C1]
- FM 24-9 Combined United States-British Radio-Telephone (RT) Procedure (1942) [C1]
- FM 24-10 Combined Radiotelegraph (WT) Procedure (1943) [C1] [C2]
- FM 24-12 Army Extract of Combined Operating Signals (1944)
- FM 24-13 Air Extract Combined Operating Signals (CCBP 2-2) (1944) [C1] [C2]
- FM 24-14 Teletypewriter Switching and Relay Procedures (1944)
- FM 24-18 Radio Communication (1944)
- FM 24-20 Field Wire Systems (1944)
- FM 24-22 Combined Visual Signaling (VS Procedure) (1943)
- FM 24-23 Combined Visual Signaling (VS) Procedure – Abridged Version for Radiotelegraph (WT) Operators Errata Sheet (1943)
- FM 24-24 Combined Amphibious Communication In-structions (CCBP-1) (1943)
- FM 24-75 Telephone Switchboard Operating Procedure (1943)
- FM 25-5 Animal Transport (1939) [C1] [C2]
- FM 25-6 Dog Transportation (1944)
- FM 25-7 Pack Transportation (1944)
- FM 25-10 Motor Transport (1942) [C1] [C2]
- FM 26-5 Interior Guard Duty (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 27-5 United States Army and Navy Manual of Military Government and Civil Affairs (1943)
- FM 27-10 Rules of Land Warfare (1940) [C1]
- FM 27-15 Military Law, Domestic Disturbances (1941) [C1] [C2]
- FM 28-5 The Band (1941) [C1]
- FM 28-105 Special Service Company (1944)
- FM 30-5 Military Intelligence Combat Intelligence (1940) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4]
- FM 30-10 Military Intelligence Observation (1940)
- FM 30-15 Military Intelligence Examination of Enemy Personnel, Repatriates, Documents, and Materiel (1943) [C1]
- FM 30-20 Military Intelligence Military Maps (1940) [C1]
- FM 30-21 Military Intelligence Role of Aerial Photography (1940) [C1] [C2]
- FM 30-22 Military Intelligence Foreign, Con en-tional Signs and Symbols (1942)
- FM 30-25 Military Intelligence Counterintelligence (1940) [C1] [C2]
- FM 30-26 Military Intelligence Regulations for Correspondents Accompanying US Army Forces in the Field (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 30-27 Regulations for Civilian Operations, Analysts, Scientific Consultants and Technical Observers Accompanying US Army Forces in the Field (1944)
- FM 30-28 Military Intelligence, Military Censorship (1944)
- FM 30-30 Recognition, Pictorial Manual, Aircraft Sup No1 (1943)
- FM 30-40 Recognition, Pictorial Manual, Armored Vehicles (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 30-50 Military Intelligence Recognition Pic-torial Manual, Naval Vessels (1943)
- FM 31-5 Landing Operations on Hostile Shores Cl, Sup (1941)
- FM 31-10 Coast Defense (1941)
- FM 31-25 Desert Operations (1942) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 31-30 Tactics and Technique of Airborne Troops (1942)
- FM 31-35 Aviation in Support of Ground Forces (1942)
- FM 31-40 Supply of Ground Units by Air (1943)
- FM 31-50 Attack on a Fortified Position and Combat in Towns (1944)
- FM 35-20 Physical Training (WAC) (1943)
- FM 44-2 Employment of Antiaircraft Artillery, AutoMatic Weapons (1944)
- FM 44-8 Antiaircraft Operations Room and Antiaircraft Artillery Intelligence Service (1944)
- FM 44-36 Service of Antiaircraft Directors M4 and M7 (1944)
- FM 44-38 Service of Antiaircraft Directors M9, M9A1, M9A2, and M10 (1944)
- FM 44-51 Fire Control, Antiaircraft Artillery Automatic Weapons (1944)
- FM 44-58 Antiaircraft Artillery Service of the Piece, 37-mm Fire Unit (1944)
- FM 44-59 Service of the Piece Multiple Gun Motor Carriage M15 and M15A1 (1944)
- FM 44-61 Service of the Piece Air Transportable 40-mm Fire Unit (1944)
- FM 55-50 Military Railroads and the Military Service (1944)
- FM 55-55 Railway Operating Battalion (1944)
- FM 55-60 Railway Shop Battalion (1944)
- FM 55-130 Small Boats and Harbor Craft (1944)
- FM 55-150 Amphibian Truck Company (1943) [C1]
- FM 70-15 Operations In Snow and Extreme Cold (1944)
- FM 72-20 Jungle Warfare (1944)
- FM 100-5 Operations (1944)
- FM 100-10 Administration (1943) [C1] [C2] [C3]
- FM 100-15 Larger Units (1942) [C1]
- FM 100-20 Command and Employment of Air Power (1943)
- FM 101-5 Staff and Combat Orders (1940) [C1] [C2] [C2] [C4] [C5] [C6] [C7] [C8] [C9] [C10]
- FM 101-10 Organization, Technical and Logistical Data (1944)
- FM E101-10 Enemy Forces Organization, Technical, and Logistical Data (1942) [C1] [C2]
- FM 101-15 Traffic Circulation and Control (1943) [C1]
- FM 105-5 Umpire Manual (1944)
- FM 105-6 AViation Umpire Manual (1942)